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   Bent over  rowing
   Wide grip chins
   Lat machine  pull downs
   Low cable pulley rows
   One arm dumbbell rows
   Dead lifts
   Good mornings
   T bar rowing

     Bent over rowing
     This weight  lifting exercise is a pure muscle building exercise. This one’s a must if you  want to build a thick powerful back. 

         Weight lifting exercise position

        1. This exercise can be done while on a block or bench. Grab a barbell with your hands  placed about 24" (60cm) apart and remove 
the bar from the racks.

        2. Place  your feet at shoulder width and keep them flat on the ground.

        3. Slowly bend forward at the hips keeping your back flat.

        4. Slightly bend your knees and keep your head as high as possible. Remember to keep your  torso parallel to the floor and keep your 
lower back flat and your butt thrust  outward.


         1. In a  controlled fashion, pull the bar upwards until you touch the lower part of your  rib cage.

         2. Lower the  weight until your arms are straight. Repeat the movement without letting the  bar rest on the bench.

         3. Keep the  movement fluent, slow, and controlled.

     Click here to see the Bent Over Rowing illustration

     Wide grip chins

     A classic back builder. Always remember to do  your chins!
         Weight lifting exercise position 

         1. Grasp an overhead bar using an overhand grip  (palms down) at least one foot wider than your shoulders on each side. 
Keep  your back straight and legs slightly bent at the bottom position.


        1. Pull your body upward in a vertical line,  keeping your elbows back. Gently pull upwards to either your chin or neck area  making 
sure the bar is directly in front of you.

        2. Gently lower your body down until your arms  are straight and repeat.

        3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and  controlled.

     Click here to see the Wide Grip Chins illustration

     Lat Machine Pull downs 

     A variation of the chin up. For those of you who  have a hard time doing chin ups, this exercise will be a great substitute. 

         Weight lifting exercise position 

         1. Stand in front of a lat pull down apparatus  and grasp the bar using an overhand grip at least one foot wider than your shoulders 
on each side. 

         2. Sit down with your feet firmly planted on the  floor with your body straight and thighs secured underneath the thigh pads.
         3. Slightly arched your torso. Keep your body  straight and rigid throughout the whole movement. 

         4. Hold the bar overhead with your arms at full  extension.

         1. In a controlled fashion, pull the bar down in  front of your head until you gently touch the upper chest area. Pause.
         2. Slowly bring the bar back to the starting  position. until your arms are straight. 

         3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and  controlled. 

     Click here to see the Lat Machine Pull Downs illustration 

    Low pulley cable rowing 

         Weight lifting exercise position 

         1. Grasp the seated pulley handles with palms  facing inward. 2. Slowly straighten your arms, sit down and secure your feet  firmly 
on the feet apparatus. 

         3. Make sure your knees are slightly bent in the  start position with your back straight. 4. Slightly lean forward. 


         1. Pull the cable horizontally into your mid  section while keeping your back straight. Keep your elbows close to your body  and pull 
your arms back. Hold for a second and slowly allow your arms to  straighten, slowly stretching your lats. Repeat the movement. 

         2. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and  controlled. 

     Click here to see the Low Pulley Cable Rowing illustration
    Single arm dumbbell rowing 
         Weight lifting exercise position 

         1. Using a flat bench, grasp a dumbbell with  your left hand.
         2. Rest your right knee on the flat bench.  Balance your body using your free arm. 

         3. Bend forward at the hips. 

         4. Your torso should be parallel to the floor  keep and your lower back flat. 


         1. Pull the dumbbell up in a vertical line into  your mid section keeping your elbows in close to your torso. 

         2. Slowly lower the dumbbell until your arm is  fully extended, fully stretching your lats. Repeat movement. 

         3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and  controlled. 

         4. Repeat movement with your right hand. 

     Click here to see the Single Arm Dumbbell Rowing illustration 
     Dead lifts 

     At true power weight lifting exercise! 

         Weight lifting exercise position 

         1. Standing in front of a barbell with your feet  under the bar, grasp the barbell in an alternate grip (one hand under grip, one  hand 
over grip) with your hands roughly 2 feet apart. Bend over the bar keeping  your back straight, knees slightly bent, head up and thrusting 
your butt out.


         1. Without bending your arms, lift the weight  from the floor until your body is completely upright. Lower the weight to the  floor 
and repeat the movement.

         2. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and  controlled.

     Click here to see the Dead Lifts illustration


     This exercise is used to build the trapezius  muscle. A well developed trapezius muscle gives your upper back that powerful  
"triangular" look. 

         Weight lifting exercise position 

         1. Stand straight with your feet planted firmly  with a shoulder width stance. Your knees should be slightly bent.

         2. Grasp a barbell with your hands spaced  shoulder length apart. Keep the bar held at straight arms length with a slight  bend in 
your arms.


         1. Raise the barbell upwards toward the ears, as  high as possible and rotate them backwards and down. Repeat. This exercise can 
be performed with dumbbells or a universal machine bench press.

         2. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and  controlled.

     Click here to see the Shrugs illustration 
    Good mornings 

     This is a great exercise for the lower back. 

         Weight lifting exercose position 

         1. Place a light barbell across the back of your  shoulders. Keep your feet firmly planted on the floor and spaced roughly  shoulder 
length apart.

         1. Lean forward at the waist. Keep your knees  locked, back flat and straight, and head up. Bend forward as far as possible 
 (stop bending if you start feeling uncomfortable). Straighten up and repeat. 

         2. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and  controlled. 

     Click here to see the Good Mornings illustration 

         Weight lifting exercise position 

         1. Place your legs and hips downwards on the  apparatus with your body turned around facing the floor. 

         2. Your upper body should be free to rise up and  down. Either place your hands behind your head or in front of your body in a 
crossed position. 


         1. Lower the trunk of your body towards the  floor.
         2. Rise until your body is in a straight line.  Lower and repeat. 

         3. Keep the movement fluent, slow, and  controlled. 

     Click here to see the Hyperextensions illustration 
    T bar rows 


         1. Keep your  feet firmly planted on the platform and bend forward at the hips keeping your  back flat and knees bent. 

         2. Grasp the  lever/T-bar with both hands. 

         3. Keep your  head as high as possible and keep your torso parallel to the floor. 

         4. Fully  extend your arms. 


         1. Pull the  lever/T-bar until it touches your chest remembering to keep your torso parallel  to the ground. 

         2. Slowly  lower the lever/bar until your arms straight. Repeat movement. 

         3. Keep the  movement fluent, slow, and controlled. 

     Click here to see the T Bar Rows illustration 

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